Study: No Educational TV/Media under age 2

No TV under the age of 2...and this includes no educational shows.

"Recent research makes it clear that young children learn a lot more efficiently from real interactions — with people and things — than from situations appearing on video screens."

Limited Educational TV/DVDs for school age children.
“We know that some learning can take place from media” for school-age children, said Georgene Troseth, a psychologist at Peabody College at Vanderbilt University, “but it’s a lot lower, and it takes a lot longer.”

New York Times Article, Oct 19, 2011

Find Us in New Places!

We are excited to announce that you will soon find us in more places!

Follett Library Resources


Old Schoolhouse Magazine

Children's Publishing

The REAL...Lovely Lily!

"This is Lovely Lily
looking proper,
but really..."

This is the Illustrator's (Angela Hansen) inspiration for Lovely Lily!

Here is the Author (Angela Holzer) and Lovely Lily.

Comment from Speech Therapist!

"I really enjoy using colorful and clever story books to help students with speech needs. They become more involved and excited about learning. The practice worksheets provided with each story allow my students to continue practice at home. I have found these books to be favorites among my students because of their humor and delightful illustration. Story books support learning at home and at school. It is great when I can include story books that focus on speech sounds and learning in therapy."

Annika Olson, M.S., CCC-SLP
Speech Language Pathologist

Video Blog!

Send us your video clip and/or pictures of how you use the Speak With Me series! Email us at: Thank you for your current submissions.

Reading Sammy the Snake

"We love this book!"

Notice: The child automatically recalls the first animal/color in the book. But then she notices her mistake and corrects herself!...and then giggles through the rest of the page:)

Notice: This 3 yr old girl does great at the ending "g" sounds (pig, wig, jig). However, she struggles with the beginning "j" sound, as in "jig". This isn't a concern because the "j" sound normally starts developing at age 4. (see Sound Chart)

Ashley reading "Gooey Gummy Geese"!

Go to YouTube link for the entire video clip!

Notice: This parent does a great job having her child ask questions and interact with the book! Great job!

Elli's speech progress....

"Elli singing 'Twinkle Twinkle' in Summer 2008! She has been using the 'Speak With Me Series' for almost 8 months."

"This is Elli singing 6 months later in Feb. 2009 after using the Speak With Me series! Thank You"

1st Grade Class Reading "Sammy Learns To Talk"

"My kids really enjoyed 'Sammy Learns to Talk'. Here's a small clip of our class."

Notice: This class really enjoyed the repetition of each page.

Alanna reading 'Gooey Gummy Geese'

Notice: Mom did a great job in having her child repeat each phrase!
Thanks for your books! Elli's speech has improved since we started using the 'Speak with me' series!

When we started using the books, Elli couldn't put a sentence or phrase together without muffling all the sounds. It was sooo helpful to have exact phrases and words read to her that she wanted to express to us. Now, she's mimicking our words, sounds, and complete sentences!

Thank you again!
Sally & Little Elli